New article: Determining the Most Suitable Tomography-Based Parameters to Describe Progression in Keratoconus
Not every corneal tomography parameter is equally suited to follow-up the progression of keratoconus. This work judges the parameters provided by the Pentacam by their repeatability in different degrees of the disease, consistency between patients, and monotonicity during progression to come to an objective ranking. Zonal keratometries on areas surrounding the maximum curvature point and the steepest front keratometry performed best, while minimum pachymetry performed considerably poorer.
Jiménez-García M, Kreps EO, Ní Dhubhghaill S, Koppen C, Rozema JJ, REDCAKE Study Group. Determining the Most Suitable Tomography-Based Parameters to Describe Progression in Keratoconus. The Retrospective Digital Computer Analysis of Keratoconus Evolution Project. Eye Cont Lens. 2021;(in press) doi: 10.1097/ICL.0000000000000800.